Informatii generale
Limbile oficiale ale cursului sunt engleza si romana.
Pentru participarea la cele 2 cursuri se vor acorda credite EMC.
Taxa de participare la curs acopera intrarea la sesiunile stiintifice, materialele tiparite cu continutul prezentarilor, masa de pranz pentru ziua de vineri (01.03.2019), pauzele de cafea si certificatul de participare.
Examenul de atestare
Examenul de atestare este optional. Participantii care platesc pentru acest examen vor primi un email dupa incheierea cursului cu instructiuni. Dupa absolvirea examenului participantii vor primi un Atestat de Absovire. Acesta nu este un examen de certificare. Examenul de atestare consta in 60 de intrebari, scorul de absolvire este de 70% iar participantii la curs vor putea reface versiuni direrite al examenului pana la absolvirea cu succes. Atestatul de Absolvire va servi ca dovada a deprinderii cunostintelor acestui curs.
Attestation exam
The Attestation Exam is optional. The participants can pay for the exam individually. Course participants will receive an email after
completion of the course with instruction on how to access the exam. Upon passing the attestation exam, the examinees shall receive an Attestation of Achievement indicating they have mastered the material taught in the course. This is not a certification exam. The Attestation Exam consists of 60 questions, a passing score will be 70%, and course participants will be able to retake a different version of the
exam until they successfully complete. However, it is envisioned that the Attestation of Achievement will serve as proof a person has mastered the contents of this course, and will be the commonly accepted method of assessment outside the US.